The Southeast Louisiana Council would like to help you with your gift shopping! We have partnered with RaiseRight, a company that allows you to purchase gift cards and/or shop online directly with retailers you already use, and the council will get from 2% up to 20% back (depending on the merchant) on any purchases you make. Click here to see a list of participating retailers and the percentages they give back to Scouting.
Easy Steps to Participate and Give Back to the Southeast Louisiana Council:
Step 1 - Register online using our enrollment code below
Step 2 - Login and create your account
Step 3 - Purchase gift cards to be mailed directly to you, sent via email, or shop online with retailers where you already shop
Step 4 - Share the link below with family members, friends, neighbors, etc.
Step 5 - The council gets a return on participant shopping without them spending any more than they already planned to spend
If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Allen at the council office.
Click here for the invite link and enroll today!