Fleur de Lis Merit Badge College

Fleur de Lis Merit Badge College
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
1/15/2025 11:55 PM
2000 Lakeshore Drive, Engineering Building
New Orleans, LA 70148, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

8:30 A.M. – 4:15 P.M.


Download the Guidebook Here

Note: Online registration required and closes on Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.


9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Citizenship in the Community Mark McCandless
Citizenship in the Nation Garry Winchester
Communication1 Alvin Miester
Electricity Michael Carbo
Emergency Preparedness1 Lynn Fletcher
Engineering Troy Carter
First Aid1 Nikki Bradford
Health Care Professions Aaron Thompson
Personal Management1 Larry Forest
12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Fingerprinting3 Lynn Fletcher
Life to Eagle Seminar3 Burt Cary

1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
American Business Troy Carter
Chess Nathan Pritchett
Citizenship in the World1 Alvin Miester
Cooking Larry Forest
Family Life1 Stacy Spitzkeit-Becker
Fire Safety4 Aaron Thompson
Genealogy Garry Winchester
Law Duris Holmes

1 Recommended for Scouts who have completed the First Class Rank.
2 Scouts must have a note from their Scoutmaster that they have completed Requirement 1 for the First Aid merit badge or have completed the First Class rank.
3 Pre-registration for these classes will not be necessary. Scouts should proceed to the designated classrooms in a timely manner for these classes after obtaining lunch.
4 Scouts must complete Requirement 6 (conduct a home safety survey with an adult) and Requirement 6(a) (draw a home fire-escape plan, create a home fire-drill schedule, and conduct a home fire drill) prior to attending to complete the merit badge at the college.


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$15.00 per Participant
Cancellation Policy
The following policy statement is applicable to all council and district activities where a fee is collected by the Southeast Louisiana Council. Online convenience fees (if applicable) are not refundable. All activities are considered non-refundable, unless there is a medical emergency or a death in the immediate family. Refund requests will only be considered if made in writing. A service charge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the activity fee will be assessed on all refunds to cover the costs incurred in preparation of the activity and processing the refund. Written refund requests must be submitted prior to the start of any event. Any requests after the activity will be considered only for personal illness or family emergencies. No refund requests will be accepted after ten (10) days following the end of the activity. Consideration for a full (minus charges and costs incurred) refund will be considered for special hardship cases and for advanced-level training courses such as Wood Badge. For major activities that require a non-refundable deposit, such as council contingents to the National Jamboree and Philmont, a full refund less the non-refundable deposit will be considered based on the time of the request and the council’s ability to fill the slot with another participant. If the slot is not able to be filled, no refund will be available. No refunds of any fees are available until 30 days after the event. Refund checks will be issued to the individual or entity paying the original fee within 30 days of receipt of the request pending its approval. Fees are only transferable within the same unit to a Scout or adult leader not currently registered for that specific activity. If an activity is canceled or postponed due to weather, every effort will be made to reschedule the activity. If an activity is canceled and the participant cannot participate during the alternate date, the full fee will be refunded minus any service fees and costs incurred by the event prior to the cancellation. This amount may vary from event to event. Send all refund requests to sela@bsamail.org