Date: February 8, 2025
Location: 465 Ave. B
Westwego, LA
Time: 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Cost: $12 – Participants
$5 – Adults and Troops
Cost includes lunch for participants. Adults and Troops are encouraged to purchase lunch so that all scouts and adults can visit in a relaxed environment. This is the rescheduled activity from October 2024.
Scouts from various troops will instruct the Webelos and Arrow of Light Scouts in several required and elective Adventures. Webelos will complete portions of Webelos My Safety, Webelos Walkabout, and Webelos Let's Camp. Arrow of Light Scouts will complete portions of AOL Knife Safety, AOL First Aid, and AOL Outdoor Adventurer. Scouts at both levels will have the opportunity to learn how to tie some of the basic knots needed in the Scout level program. Den leaders will have the opportunity to meet some of the adult leadership of different groups.
For more information, Contact: Deeann Fuglaar, Cataouatche District Advancement Chairman, at